Back in Fall of 2019, I was 25, attending fire academy full-time, working as an EMT, while also raising my 3-year-old daughter. Why this background info? Well, to put it mildly, I wasn’t exactly hitting it big. My point? I wanted to travel…rather I needed to travel…but how? That is when I first started investigating how to travel on a budget, and with a young child.
I traveled a lot growing up. I was blessed to have been raised in a family where the luxury of traveling often was just ‘the norm’. I remember chuckling to myself realizing just how lucky I had been to travel as much as I had. Instead of allowing myself to reminisce of those days when traveling involved zero monetary commitment or planning from my end, I decided that one way or another, I was going to have my butt on a plane as soon as I finished fire academy. Plane to where? It didn’t matter. Just a plane…to a destination…ideally that I had never been. Oh, and my daughter with me of course. Minor detail. Long story short-ish…
About one year ago I started this blog as somewhat of a ‘passion project’ to let me creative juices flow and combine two of the thing I enjoy (writing and photography). It initially was intended to focus on style/fashion and beauty but has evolved to be predominantly a travel blog highlighting destinations that fit any lifestyle or budget.